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Bronx Preparatory Charter High School |  3872 3rd Ave, The Bronx, NY 10457

Don’t Know where to start? Right here of course!

Updated: Nov 10, 2019

By: John Caso

Don’t know where to start your life? It’s fine but our first step is how to get a job.

Bronx Prep’s motto is, “Work hard, Go to college, Change the world.” Planning to go into debt at 18 or not, one thing is for certain, nothing is free. Well except for those lemonades they give you at pit stops, that’s beside the point.“Your future stretches out to you like your personal Wakanda, but you need money just like Aladdin, infinite potential but street life status.”(Tom Gerncer) For my first article, I’ll keep it nice and short for you, I’ll tell you how to find a job and how to apply for one so you can stop asking people to bless them a dollar, thank me later.

A common misconception when it comes to finding jobs is that you need to be 18 years or older to apply but that’s far from the truth. Although jobs are usually less available for people under 18, they still exist. Plus they’re in the Bronx so you don’t have to worry about traveling far. To find a job that’s willing to hire you, you can either talk to Carrera as they offer lots of job opportunities to kids your age and help you get started. Carrera is located on 312A and you can usually meet them after school hours. Or you can look at any of these sights listed below on your free time

3. What are you doing reading this part? We are advance now, just search up teen jobs on Google.

Now you know how to properly find a job, it’s time to work on how to get that job and trust me they’re not gonna accept you just by your person alone. This is why you need to create your resume and a cover paper. You're going to need a resume and a cover paper for EVERY job so you might as well do it now. But how do you do it you may ask? Simple, just give a summary about yourself, skills, education, service and lastly experi--. Oh, some of you don’t have any prior work experience. This is an easy problem we can fix, don’t worry about the people who have prior experience, although your not on the same playing field you can still land that job and here’s how. (this section does not exclude people with prior work experience.)

1: Find the right template: This is usually based on personal preference, but always try to keep it professional and formal, your heading to the cold harsh reality of life and taxes (like monopoly). Have a heading, mostly include necessary details, highlight achievements, education, and service to substitute for experience, make yourself look good as if you have no flaws.

2:Make yourself look good: As I said before, you're put at a disadvantage, so you have to make yourself look better than others to ensure you get the job. You should focus on sugar-coating your skills as that what most jobs pay attention too as that’s your experience. Sure you can procrastinate last second and still get your homework done but it wouldn’t make sense to add that for a job at target. Keep your skills on the topic that’ll make you look good for that specific job, but you can also use that example. To substitute for able to do your homework last second you can say, “I’m able to work well under pressure.” See? Let’s try another one, say you can achieve 800 views on snap, what you can say is “I’m good at marketing my platforms.” Nice and professional.

3. Clear up your social media: Please, do not keep a video of you saying you want to kashoot yourself, my mental state was questioned, it’s an awkward experience when your boss tells you to come to meet him while looking at the video of you then you proceed to have a chat for 10 - 15 mins about the video and what it means, it’s not my 1st time. Anyways, I'm not saying delete all your social media but to use an alias/fake name that only you and your friends know. Keep a social media that’s only used for professional work.

That’s my quick guide on how to finally start your lives, you're in high school just sitting there, bring up the economy a little. The most important things I want you to take away is

1. How to find a job: Find websites (I listed some)

2.How to write your cover and resume: You can also find templates online.

It’s been fun, Your on your way to contributing to the multi billion dollar scam called economy.


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