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Alexandra Rojas visits to inspire BP Seniors!

By: John Caso and Kenneth Morales

Photography By: Jensen Semenou

On November 13, 2019, Alexandra Rojas, executive director of the new organization for the Democracy Party, was Born on February 25th, 1995 and raised in Connecticut. She was a graduate of 2014 and worked on trying to get into the California Judicial System. She managed to be one of the most well known Justice Democrats whom are trying to put more color people in politics, hence her prominent to

Now that you have an idea of her importance we can now go into her visit to Bronx Preparatory Charter School and her talk with our soon graduating seniors. Just like many of us in the Bronx, she also faced obstacles because of financial struggles, but she has proved that you don’t have to be in a privileged background to be successful and that's the message the meeting was trying to come off

Here are some of the questions the scholar answered and how Alexandra responded.

-Question: Does your pack have any internships for any high school students

Answer: No, small team, small capacity

-Question: What did you major in College? What are any advice to give

Answer: Didn’t end up graduating but ended up in economics and political science. Became an attorney and a civil rights activists

Wanted to join journalism to share about her family

-Question: What are some challenges you faced?

Answer: Going in and remembering and bringing your whole self and remembering, who you are everyday and showing who you are. Getting told its the white guy and those who are not part of the minority

-Question: What experience caused you to be who you are

Answer: Always been close to family, dad's side is Peruvian, mom came to the USA from Columbia, Driven by help and support her family

Worked on the Bernie campaign

-Question: Suggestion to how we can change school world wide

Answer: so many systemic crisis and our generation have been cut out.

-Question: how did you deal with your family reaction to when you dropped out?

Answer: Grateful that parents are chill, but also I grew up playing sports and been super at my classes.

First job been McDonald

Always been independent and parents knew she was doing the right thing

Still went even though it was expensive to live there

-Question: What made you to begin your success

Answer: Its always the people that get together and start it, wanted to recruit hundreds of candidates but did not do that

Acosia cortex been 12 of the hundred they recruited rely on small dollar donations

Lesson- run 100 people to get 1

Its a big risk

-Question: have a general message you want us to take away?

Answer: recognizing your power as a person in our democracy, remember that everyone is figuring it out

-Question: When you are getting started, how if you get others to support your idea and how did you deal with rejection

Answer: lots of moments where on the brink of failure

-Question: What would you say to those who doubted you in the past?

Answer: Rocky theme song played in head, keep your head up high and do your own thing that's what politics taught me

Commentated on CNN

-Question:How did you get from being little to someone who is competing in the big leagues? How did you fit in and what do you think about it.

Answer: I be slowly my working my way up such as commending on CNN etc. Just do your thing

-Question:How you create a successful business

Answer: Just keep your head down and thrive your action speaks louder than words and I know how cheesy this sounds but “I am Powerful”

-Question: What do you believe is the biggest problem in the USA

Answer: money and political influence

Believe community college is the only college system that give the student power

-Question: what are you guys working on right now?

Answer: Fix the problem that started in 2018 supporting Jessica and others for congress. Recruiting volunteers

-Question: one piece of advice when voting; go to when voting

Answer: think of policy as the very very first, we need solutions that match the urgencies. When voting in 2020, think about that and the candidates.

Think street smart, college is a option, you can still change the world.

We were also lucky enough to interview some of the scholars opinions about the meeting and Alexandrea Rojas herself, the audio will be on the website.

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