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By: Olivia Byrd

What is bullying and why do people bully others?

The definition of bullying is “when people seek to harm, intimidate and put others down”. People tend to bully others to make himself feel better about themselves as a person or because there are going through something at home or in there personal life. The interesting thing about bullying is how kids take their life when bullying goes on at school. Bullying can be done by teasing, name-calling, fighting, and spreading rumors.

Bullying can have significant effects on people of various ages. Examples of these effects are isolation, depression, suicidal attempts and, at the absolute worst, death. According Sarah Hoye, a CNN reporter, “parents say bullying led to 12 year old son’s death”.

Facts about bullying…

Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.

160,000 teens skip school everyday because of bullying.

17% of students report bullying 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester.

1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time.

By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying.

In conclusion Ashley Strickland bans students from bullying at school. Bullying takes an effect on students.

Another idea by Jonathan Martin, kids who are bullied can experience physical and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are likely to experience depression .

Facts about bullying…

Over 67% of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying.

With a high percentage of students believing that adult actually helps.

71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school.

90%of 4th through 8th grade report being victims of bullying

1 in 10 students dropout of school because of repeated bullying.

In conclusion Jonathan Martin says that a high percentage of students are being bullied and dropping out of school.

A third writer Edward is saying kids who bully others can also engage in violent and other risky behaviors all the way into adulthood.

Facts about bullying…

As boys age they are less and less likely to feel bad for victims of bullying

Bullying happens in elementary school, middle school and in high school.

Most abuse from parents make kids go to school and bully others to make them feel better.

Half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years.

In conclusion Edward says kids who witness bullying are more likely to miss or skip school.

Another source says that 25% of the students are committing suicide because they can’t deal with being bullied.

Facts about bullying…

Parents know that their child is being bullied only about half the time.

Twenty eight percent of young people from grades six through 12 have been the victim of bullying.

There are thought to be four types of bullying: physical, verbal, relational, and reactive.

People who are bullied, often go on to bully others.

People with a physical disability are more likely to go through bullying .

This author concludes that bullying can happen to anyone so do not think it can’t happen to you because it can.

Bullies can be anywhere, but there's no place they show up more than in schools.

Facts about bullying…

Guys are more likely to bully someone than anyone.

Bullying is never, ever the fault someone else.

Bullies can be anywhere,but there's no place they would be but at school

A lot of kids usually end up killing themselves and the person that was bothering them .

Kids who witness bullying are more likely to have mental health problems, including depression and anxiety

This author concludes that bullying should not be allowed at school it shouldn't be allowed anywhere and a lot of kids shouldn't have to go through that.

I found many main ideas about bullying. One idea about bullying is that it shouldn't be allowed and that also a lot of people lose their lives for being bullied it's not cool and we should put a stop to it. Most of the time this stuff doesn't end well and it shouldn't be tolerated. Schools shouldn't tolerate bullying. I think the kids that are bullied should speak up because a lot of kids are being bullied and it is not cool. Some students think that bullying is cool but it's not and it never will be.

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