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Bronx Prep’s Inaugural Game Ends in Defeat, But Victory is Near

Updated: Oct 4, 2021

Blue sky. October sun. Eager athletes. It's that time of year again. It’s flag football season.

On Saturday, October 2nd, Bronx Prep’s High School Flag Football team had its first game against Health and Science. This year, there are 7 games all throughout October and they usually take place on Saturdays between 10 AM and 2 PM in East Harlem.

Coach Aaron is particularly excited about this year. “It's been phenomenal”, he said when asked about the difference between this year and the last. “I think the biggest difference is just us being able to practice on the actual field as opposed to the courtyard which we used to do. It's a better simulation [of] the real game experience. [And this year], all of our players have cleats which allows...for better traction.” Omar Banks, 10th grader and defensive back, agrees. “This year’s different because we're in high school now. It's bigger people, better mindset, better mentality”.

Unfortunately, Bronx Prep wasn't able to muster up a win this time. The final score was 12-19, Health and Science. But the team is in good spirits.

“It was a loss, but a good loss,” said Momodou Jallow, 11th grader, quarterback and Offensive Captain. When reflecting on the game, he realized some plays were rushed because of a new 5 second rule to throw the ball this year. Still, returning player, Kwame Addai, 12th grader, defensive back and Defensive Captain is adamant that today was still a win. “We did good because from previous plays...last year and the year before, we didn't make a lot of touchdowns”.

One parent, among many parents and scholars that showed up today, had the energy of an entire crowd. Amid the whistles, the pounding footsteps, Aaron’s sharp play calls, I could hear this parent’s booming, enthusiastic voice: “Pressure! Feel the pressure!’. I introduced myself after the game, hoping to ask him some questions. Even better, he has a message for the whole team he wants to pass on: “I love all you guys. You guys are tremendously talented...You are the future of our world. You’re the future of our country. And don't let anyone ever devalue your place in this world. You determine the fate and the culture. And you determine the pace that the world is going to function in 5-10 years from now”.

Already Kai Rainey, 10th grader and running back, and others are making big moves on the field and off. When asked about the next game, Kai said, “I’m gonna work twice as hard during practice”. For him, he’ll be working on his vision and communication with his teammates.

On thinking about doing better, Aaron did note that the game was “closer than the score let on”. But they still need to make some adjustments on defense. They weren't able to turn the ball over at key moments. Nevertheless, he remains hopeful. If they make these adjustments, he thinks the team will be in good shape.

And at the end of the day, the team is united around one goal: to win. To make the playoffs. And to win a chip. Donovan Johnson, 11th grader and wide receiver, says he's also here to build team chemistry and make sure everyone is doing what they're doing, especially [himself]. When asked about his goals for this year, Aaron had this to say: “Oh, without a win. We don’t play for participation awards...We played[ed] to win today, [but] we came up short. [Regardless], we're gonna bounce back next week and we’re gonna come out victorious.”

Don’t miss your chance at seeing victory. The next game is this Saturday, October 9th at 10am at Wagner Playground (East Harlem).

Joshua Elguera aka Mr. Elguera is a 10th grade ELA teacher at Bronx Prep High School and the Journalism Club co-advisor with Ms. Castillo for the 2021-22 year. He led the club in 2019, alongside scholar and Editor-in-Chief Sarah Comlan, Class of ’21 through 2 printed issues before the pandemic started. He is currently looking for reporters, writers, photographers, and more to join the club this year. Contact Mr. Elguera at or Ms. Castillo at for details.

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Ndeye Kebbeh
Ndeye Kebbeh
Oct 05, 2021

This was very compelling‼️

Joshua Elguera
Joshua Elguera
Oct 10, 2021
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