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Bronx Preparatory Charter High School |  3872 3rd Ave, The Bronx, NY 10457


This is a poem written by Sarah Comlan of Rochester advisory.


I am a firm believer that

when you were born

the heavens stopped

the Angel did too

He breathed life into you

and you were destined for greatness

For me, it was more of a cough

one of ill wishes and dooming omens

In fact, a collaboration

with the Angel himself

the Angel created me in his old image

Indeed beautiful

to destroy

It was a cough

that manifests itself as storms

everywhere I go

So it was as I came

I'm sorry that no warning came

But you should have known

We all fell

You for me

The Angel from up above

and I likewise

that's a year you won't get back

but just as I left

a rainbow formed

and hope was restored

I don't believe in much

but I know

you were destined for greatness

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