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The Life of A Wallflower

Updated: Jan 28, 2020

By: Vivian Uzibor

I'm that friend

That gets everything but never gives back because I asked for nothing

I'm that friend

That leaves you before you get the chance to leave me

I'm that friend

That constantly lives in fear of the people I hang around not really liking me

I'm that friend

That has become the bottom of the barrel

The black sheep of the group

I'm that friend

That constantly needs reassurance that I'm doing a good job or that you still care for me

I'm that friend

That limits their mind from all the possibilities because you said to

I'm that friend

That gets teased on in the group but no matter how many times I get mad or express how I feel I must get over it for them

I'm that friend

That was sane but has grown insane

I'm that friend

That wipes their own tears because they would only use it against me

I'm that friend

That loves in sorrow in grief for themselves

I'm that friend

That puts themselves in painful situations to numb the real pain

I'm that friend

That refuses to say what's on my mind because no one ever relates

I'm that friend

That stays at home not because they're grounded but because they want to avoid the 200 questionnaires by their parents

I'm the friend

The one who disappointed you made fun of you and is about to lose you because

I've lost myself

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