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Bronx Preparatory Charter High School |  3872 3rd Ave, The Bronx, NY 10457

Man Dies After Jumping Onto Subway Tracks With Daughter, 5, Police Say

Updated: Nov 12, 2019

By: Kenneth Morales

The girl survived after her father jumped in front of an oncoming train at the Kingsbridge Road station in the Bronx, officials said.

On September 23, 2019, in the Bronx, a man and his young daughter beside him, were waiting for a Manhattan-bound 4 train at Kingsbridge. When the train was approaching the station, the man had jumped in front of it with his daughter in hand. As a result, the man had died, but his daughter had survived. From there, civilians had helped the little girl up from the train tracks. The little girl made it home to her family safely without any major injuries.

Many people in society suffer from depression, anxiety, abuse, mental illnesses and many more negative factors that push them to take their own life. They could be dealing with personal issues that others may not be aware of. They compartmentalize their emotions. And with all their emotions building up inside of them, they start to deteriorate. They lack the motivation to do anything. Throughout their time period of being forlorn, they tend to think differently of life and would want to end it all.

Nobody will forever be alone, there will always be people to listen to your situations and support you throughout your journey. If you know anyone that is going through something like this, don’t hesitate to comfort them through their tough times, talk to them through their emotional times, and support them through their success so that they know that you really care about them.

The GSA Club (Conducted by Ms. Unyque the Visual Arts Teacher) is taking the initiative to create a hotline just for people who go through this and its just for us. Stay tuned if you are interested and want to contact them. Or you can call 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) They are available everyday and will listen to you.

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